Claudia Llinden is honouring the many educators and volunteers both here in Tampa and in SL currently! Yea, all of us!
Pathfinder, "This is a conference about people making real world change."
Claudia is now talking about the pilot program for educators.. working with ISTE. Eduserv was also acknowledged. Go Andy (Art Fosset in SL). Working on an experimental pathway in developing the design of it...
Pathfinder is telling us that his current avatar is a compilation of parts created over the the last few years.. and has his 2005 badge as evidence. He is challenging us to work and experiment outside our own expertise... take a look at HUB2.. it's an ecosystem.. people coming together .. collaboration coming from different worlds...
Flickr stream, Not Possible in Real Life.. Pathfinder asks us to think about we we couldn't do in real life....
Claudia's Education Report is something that is read by those at Linden Lab... she is asking us to share even the barriers that we are experiencing with our administrations, as well as what we are doing...
Here is a question from SL. How long will we have to wait to get a registration API and link it to our LDAPs...
Claudia said it is pretty complex and it is definitely moving...
So who is 'M'... Mark. Rank these things... Pathfinder: What do they need yesterday?
Virtual Ability Island in SL has just been mentioned, specifically their recent opening of the island: also the development of a 'seeing eye dog" for people with disabilities. If you are interested in this, drop a notecard on Pathfinder... a multi-disciplinary effort, collaborate effort.
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