Thursday, September 25, 2008

Show me thy Facebook Friends: visualization with interactive lines and connections to friends

Friend Wheel

Friend Wheel by Thomas Fletcher of Bath...
The wheels of friendship... random colors of friendship are just a few selections away. Oh, my beautiful friend wheel.. interactive Flash, originally uploaded by HVX Silverstar.

But.. Oh, my beautiful friend wheel.. interactive Flash wheel available in Facebook. The circle shows part of a social network. Around the edge of the circle are my friends; they are connected by an interactive line... as are the groups when you choose to show association between friends or groups.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Journal of Virtual Worlds Research:

Volume 1, Number 1, ISSN: 1941-8477, "Virtual Worlds Research: Past, Present & Future."
an open-access, peer reviewed, transdisciplinary journal....
Snippet from the web site:
"The Journal of Virtual Worlds Research is an online, open access academic journal that adheres to the highest standards of peer review and engages established and emerging scholars from anywhere in the world. The Journal of Virtual Worlds Research is a transdisciplinary journal that engages a wide spectrum of scholarship and welcomes contributions from the many disciplines and approaches that intersect virtual worlds research."

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Take a class in Second Life & set your camera and imagination free

Renaissance Island Tour - Jousting Practice
Jousting practice on location at Renaissance Island in the very beautiful Second Life.

Haha, watch out for that horse! Capture video and great snapshots using your camera controls and third-party video capture software in Second Life. Expand your sets and possibilities, learn to build and script objects in Second Life.. and lastly, learn about machinima workflow for creating your own videos.
Join Pipsqueak Fiddlesticks (Denise) and HVX Silverstar (Bernadette) for the October Virtual Worlds CE Series
- Continuing education (CE)non-credit courses presented by the Illinois Alliance Library System and GSLIS, University of Illinois Urbana Champagne.
The sessions are offered every Tuesday evening from 6:00-8:00 PM PDT with office hours for follow-up help offered later each week.
I cover the camera controls and machinima workflow and Denise covers the intro to building and scripting.
System requirements for using Second Life:

Technical skills for the Virtual World of Second Life: Introduction to
Camera Controls, Building, Scripting and Machinima Workflow.

Week One: Camera controls - Hands-on session using the camera controls and shortcuts. Activities include taking snapshots, exploring the snapshot menus and taking high resolution images, and capturing colors, depth and object mattes. The camera controls are used for building and viewing objects close-up or off in the distance, for taking more creative snapshots and also for basic camera movement for filming machinima.
Snapshot Activity: Take a series of snapshots using camera controls, shortcuts and options in the snapshot window. Post snapshots to the class Flickr group (optional).
So, if you are ready for the RAW unedited capture of my avatar practicing camera controls at Camera Controls islet on Machinima Institute Island... take a look:

Week Two: Basics of Building session - Students will learn about SL primitives (building "blocks"), the build-edit window, manipulating & positioning prims, texturing, linking and setting permissions on their objects. Students will create an object that they will make interactive in the week 4 scripting session. A selection of "DYI kits" will be available to students to choose from for this activity.

Week Three: Basics of Scripting session - Students will learn the basic elements of the LSL scripting language (no coding experience required!) and will focus on using freely available scripting tools, customizing/modifying open source scripts, using the LSL code editor and adding scripts to objects. Troubleshooting script issues will be covered. In-world and web resources will be provided, as well as a open source script package for beginners as a take-away.

Week Four: Machinima Workflow - What do you need to film in SL? A look at workflow for creating machinima (filming, additional third-party software); displaying machinima on the web (YouTube, or other host sites); streaming video or machinima into SL). No software required for this portion of the class.

Machinima Activity: (optional) using camera controls and shortcuts when capturing machinima in SL. (Third-party software required for macs and windows vista; Second Life built-in movie capture can be used on some computers running Windows XP).
Slideshow Activity: Alternatively, students can use camera controls to capture a variety of artistic snapshots for creating photo slideshows online or on their computers.

Instructors: Bernadette Swanson (HVX Silverstar) and Denise Cote (Pipsqueak Fiddlesticks)
Audience: Open to anyone interested in improving their SL technical skills. Students should feel comfortable navigating in Second life or have taken Second Life 101. Dates and times: Tuesdays, October 7, 14, 21, 28 from 6:00 - 8:00 PM SL (US Pacific) time
Location: Second Life
Cost: $150


Course Technology

The two-hour synchronous sessions will meet online in Second Life.

Participants will need a reliable Internet connection via DSL or cable in addition to the following hardware and software SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS. IMPORTANT: Please ensure you can meet these requirements before registering for a course. Check your system against the requirements carefully especially your graphics/video card.

If you have questions, contact Marianne Steadley,

Friday, September 5, 2008

Twittering using #slcc08 hash tag

#slcc08 Pathfinder: "The plural of anecdote is not data!" Claudia: and that's a great t-shirt!
#slcc08 talking with Dodger Metzer... Gentle Heron's friend from Virtual Ability Island
#slcc08 Pathfinder, "yes, we'll talk to your administration" - look at the press link on the sl site - they will speak at your university

Pathfinder and Claudia: keynote at SLedCC and the converstation

Claudia Llinden is honouring the many educators and volunteers both here in Tampa and in SL currently! Yea, all of us!
Pathfinder, "This is a conference about people making real world change."
Claudia is now talking about the pilot program for educators.. working with ISTE. Eduserv was also acknowledged. Go Andy (Art Fosset in SL). Working on an experimental pathway in developing the design of it...
Pathfinder is telling us that his current avatar is a compilation of parts created over the the last few years.. and has his 2005 badge as evidence. He is challenging us to work and experiment outside our own expertise... take a look at HUB2.. it's an ecosystem.. people coming together .. collaboration coming from different worlds...
Flickr stream, Not Possible in Real Life.. Pathfinder asks us to think about we we couldn't do in real life....
Claudia's Education Report is something that is read by those at Linden Lab... she is asking us to share even the barriers that we are experiencing with our administrations, as well as what we are doing...
Here is a question from SL. How long will we have to wait to get a registration API and link it to our LDAPs...
Claudia said it is pretty complex and it is definitely moving...
So who is 'M'... Mark. Rank these things... Pathfinder: What do they need yesterday?
Virtual Ability Island in SL has just been mentioned, specifically their recent opening of the island: also the development of a 'seeing eye dog" for people with disabilities. If you are interested in this, drop a notecard on Pathfinder... a multi-disciplinary effort, collaborate effort.

Here at SLCC 2008 in Tampa

Claudia and Pathfinder are setting up for the keynote in the Grand Ballroom. Scott, Bella and Jeremy are working on a live feed through sponsor, Veodia. Avatars are still teleporting in and as I scan the room, there are clouds rezzing and Starbucks' coffee cups moving through the room. Ah.... another Second Life Community Conference. Check out Scott Merrick's live Veodia feed from the ballroom...
Scroll down the page to the Veodia link.

Monday, September 1, 2008

A busy Labor Day in SL today...

So we should all take a rest...
go outside or watch the Bruins beat Tennessee on TV.. .or better still at the Rose Bowl. Go-o-o-o-o-o, Band, go!

Second Life.. let me back on... message at 5:07 PM SLT