Friday, April 23, 2010

Earthstones Abraxxa's EarthDay Birthday Free Gifts

Hyacinth made me go...
and those are steampunk shoes

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Viewer2: Earthstones is full.. and still is

Viewer2_Earthstones_full, originally uploaded by HVX Silverstar.

Free hippie bracelet.... too bad... Earthstones is full.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

It's your Community Virtual Library in Second Life® & it's story time with Google's new SearchStory Video Creator!

It's Virtual Libraries Month in Second Life®
Explore the world of Virtual Libraries with the Community Virtual Library -
Video by: HVX Silverstar with the help of Google's StorySearch Video Creator and magnificent music from
hammerklavier 17th C. choral ending with Baroque trumpet, chorus and shimmery effects.
Watch the video in HD720p:

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Libraries as Motion Video Engage Session: CARL 2010

The CARL Conference will be held in Sacramento, CA this year:
this is a visual table of contents of sorts of some of the sites, issues, standards and formats, devices, players and what we use to capture video or our screens... not shown.. the virtual environments where many of us view media... and for me.. where I chronicle what libraries and educators are doing in Second Life.

Friday, April 2, 2010

NMC Symposium 2010 TwHistory for Historical Reenactments

Simply the best..