Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Second Life Release 1.20.15 (92456) Beta Test Grid (osx)

A blast from the past... loved the login image.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Library Video Channel: promoting services such as logging in from off campus using the VPN & a look at PubMed's new interface!

Connect from anywhere using the VPN (virtual private network), Health Sciences Libraries, UC Davis.
Photo: "Looking for a Better Thing" Katrina Brown ~ ~ Video by Bernadette Daly Swanson, MLIS ~ Software used: Techsmith's Camtasia Studio for Mac & Camtasia Studio 6 (windows), Apple Final Cut Pro 6, Apple Motion templates, Quicktime Pro, YouTube's AudioSwap (Ben's Song) and the very cool YouTube Annotations feature.

Related Blog post from work:
Health Sciences Libraries website:

PubMed's New Look! get up to speed on locating your favorite features as well as new techniques for researching your topic more efficiently.
Parts 1-5 available in HD720p (click HD button then watch at full screen). Note: Adobe Flash Player 10 is required to view HD videos on YouTube. If you do not have an updated Flash Player, follow the link on the YouTube screen to update your browsers. View, share or embed the YouTube playlist for the 5 part video series.

A Look at the New PubMed Interface & the Advanced Search features including the home page, advanced search overview; using Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) to search the database more efficiently; clinical queries section for systematic reviews and search tools finding a specific citation; using My NCBI for setting filters, storing collections and saving searches; emailing search results and preparing your search results for import into bibliographic management software such as Endnote.