Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Working at the SW edge of Davis Island

This is where I will be hanging out on Davis Island, Second Life.
Once we are all added to the UC Davis group, we can gather on the island for a virtual meet-up.
Access to two free full text peer reviewed journals is available from SL and the web:
Marty Leamon MD pointed out that the most recent issue of Journal of Virtual Worlds Research is dedicated to health and health care in Second Life.
Vol 2, No 2: 3D Virtual Worlds for Health and Healthcare

Journal of Medical Internet Research
A Survey of Health-Related Activities on Second Life

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Second Life® - Create your Avatar, download the viewer & login!

I made the following 3 videos for a quick introduction to the process for joining the Second Life® community which includes selecting an avatar and name, downloading the viewer (a small file) and then logging in for the 9 step introduction to the most beautiful virtual world on the planet!

A playlist of the videos shown below is available on YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/view_play_list?p=D3FC4145B4052788

Creating your Second Life® Avatar

Also available in HD 720p:

Logging into Second Life (HD 720p)

Also available in HD 720p:

Second Life Tutorial in 9 easy steps

Also available in HD 720p: