Saturday, November 17, 2007

Force Sun to Midnight: Daruma Picnic's Art to blow your mind...

Daruma Picnic's interactive sound and movement exhibit high above the Library Islands in the very beautiful Second Life.
From Infotainment Island....look up, jump up!

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Give one, get one: one laptop per child from

slide_laptop, originally uploaded by HVX Silverstar.

one laptop per child from

Monday, November 12, 2007

Chat Log from Introduction to Machinima Session, Nov. 10th

View the chat log:I have used the very cool tool to pretty up the text chatlog.
Note: please disregard the links in the body of the chat as they do not appear to work in the log.. all relevant URLs have been listed at the top. Thanks.
Answers to some of the questions that I missed:
Flash videos from YouTube or other sites will not play in SL. You will need to convert your videos to a quicktime movie optimized for streaming to play in SL. See the slides for more details on that. The URLs for sites and slides discussed are available from the chat log. Alt-enter causing a black screen and change in screen resolution? - I will have to look into this...

Friday, November 9, 2007

Second Life Link and Facebook

As of yesterday there were 116 users on Facebook with the Second Life Link application installed. The installation is simple and just requires entering your Second Life profile name (exactly as it appears in your SL login) and entering your home region and coordinates to your home location. You will be prompted to login to SL and click on the Facebook/SL Link post as shown in the image. This will register you in the Second Life Link database. Now, you can click on the SL Link icon in the applications section of your Facebook page and jump into SL.. well, via the SL login screen. Mine is set to the Machinima Institute on ALA Arts InfoIsland in the Info Archipelago.

Saturday, November 3, 2007