Saturday, January 17, 2009

A Capella in Second Life ® by Interactive Media Artist, Daruma Picnic, April 28, 2007 (HD 720p)

Embedded at 864x531 instead of 1280x720 as shown on YouTube. Watch HD 720p on YouTube:

A Capella by Daruma Picnic: interactive singing sculture.
Art and vocals by Daruma Picnic. Thank you to Jenn, Casssandra and Natalie... and Elizabeth whose presence and wisdom is truly missed by her friends in SL®. Elizabeth is immersed in the art, colour and sound of Daruma's work; it's an experience only possible in a constructed space somewhere between our imagination and our screens. Elizabeth's postings about Daruma's work:
and from Saturday, January 20, 2007:
© Daruma Picnic & HVX Silverstar April 28, 2007. Filmed on Info Island in the very beautiful Second Life®

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